Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Best Time for a Broker Corp to Sell

A good website can make a great deal of money. But a good website may even provide you much more money in the future. Try to ask a Website Broker, exactly why sell ?

Below is just not intended as investment advice, but it surely provides you with several things to think about when selling.


Selling devoid of plan. Selling your business and having a million dollars in the bank is plain stupid if you don't have a plan for it. In case you don’t own an asset that's appreciating at the same or greater rate compared to the asset you are selling (where and asset is identified as a thing that generates you money, might be property, a small business etc.) then it is probably not the right time to sell.

Selling in a bad financial position You're going to get a significantly lower multiple for your business if you have had a bad financial record during the last year or two in comparison to historical data. When possible, retaining the company and increasing the financial position of the business can get you a larger sale price. Or, if you need the income quickly, to pay for an impending bill, deadline. Ask yourself are there other avenues to consider that could be a chance. Including, selling a share of equity or asking for an extension on the imminent deadline. You may be cutting yourself short if you don’t explore all avenues.

Selling to settle manageable debt Let’s if you have $25,000 in bad debt from college. You are thinking of selling your website through a Broker Corp for $100,000 to pay of that debt and put some cash in the bank. The payments on that debt are $300 a month. So the current site can maintain that debt can probably. It may be an idea to take that $25,000 and over the next year and invest that money into your $100,000 website and after 12 months it is now worth $200,000. Think about the opportunity cost of that money and consider those when selling.

WHY NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO SELL… When the Opportunity Cost is Higher not selling With limited resources such as time, energy, talent, people, capital. If they are better invested in other ways then it may be time to sell . The opportunity cost of being involved in your current Company/Business might include giving up:

• Another business venture or opportunity
• Time for rejuvenation and reflection
• Friends, family, and grandchildren
• Diversification of investments or reduced risk
• New challenges, intellectual stimulation, or education
• Health, travel, community involvement, spiritual service
• Or, any other opportunity that cannot be pursued because of the demands of your current Company.

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